Campus and COVID

Campus and COVID

Damn COVID!!  What can we as parents do to help keep our kids healthy?

Now that Fall and classes are in full swing, students are able to settle into their new routine - unfortunately, dealing with COVID is still a part of the adjustment for them. I don't know about you, but both of my kids (Senior and Sophomore in College) have dealt with COVID and illness already and we aren't even in the full swing of cold and flu season yet!  As much as we want to say that COVID isn't a threat anymore, it still seems to be like that chore that you constantly push further down on your "to do" list; it never seems to get done or go away, it's annoying!! We are in one of the highest transmission of infections per day of all time in the US during this back-to-school season. Yes, most are vaccinated BUT you can still get sick, this is not gone yet.

I am a realist, and I am a mom and I am not here to lecture you on how to tell your kids not to go to crowded parties, to mask up everywhere on campus, to be diligent and wash their hands every hour on the hour but I am here to say that setting them up to be as healthy as they can be to combat illness is highly recommended and a no brainer. 

Let's talk vitamins for our 18-25 year olds, college/deployed military kids and young adults! My college kids had mild cold like symptoms; they were able to fight off illness and "bounce back" within a few days. Do I encourage them to keep taking their VIMS and to take the immunity supplements and hydration drinks that we offer? Yes, I do, and they have benefited from this. My goal is for all of our young adults to stay healthy, to stay strong and to live their best life while away from home and that includes good health.

VIMS, Clean Slate Multivitamin is the EXCLUSIVE multivitamin of our young adult population - it is the best vitamin for our next generation, it fits their needs perfectly! Packed with vitamins A, C, D, B Complexes, E, Zinc, Magnesium to name a few. Give the gift of health and love and support with VIMS! Care Packages, Vitamins and healthy fun gifts are what we are all about!

Hoping all our kids stay healthy this year! Peace and wellness to you and your family!


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